Excel Academically


College of Engineering Tutoring Schedule

May 2024 Graduates

We understand that engineering is a challenging field to study in and we provide our members with as many resource possible to support their studies including:

  • Study Halls

  • NSBE Library

NSBE Study Hall

Are you sitting in your dorm watching TV, and your life is passing you by? Well come to a NSBE Study Hall! We host multiple study halls throughout the year and at each study hall we serve light refreshments so we could make sure your mind, body, and soul is in tip top shape! For more details, please contact our Academic Excellence Chair.

NSBE Library

Our chapter utilizes a Library of textbooks for, but not limited to, engineering courses to ensure that our members have access to as many resources as possible. We also have quizzes, practice tests, eBooks, etc. available for our paid and registered members. We accept any forms of practice tests, books, quizzes, study guides, etc. to add to our NSBE library. To get connected to our Chapter’s test bank sign up under the picture. If interested in checking out a book or donating a book to NSBE Library, please contact our Academic Excellence Chair, Brandon Chandler (bkcyqv@missouri.edu)

2024-2025 Spring Study Hall Dates

September 10th 

We hope that all of our members utilize these resources to make sure that you don’t look like this when those grades hit!

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Scholarship Opportunities

NSBE Website: https://connect.nsbe.org/Scholarships/ScholarshipList.aspx

UNCF Website: https://www.uncf.org/scholarships

Scholarship Central Website: https://stlouisgraduates.academicworks.com/

Mizzou Financial Aid Website: https://financialaid.missouri.edu/types-of-aid/scholarships/index.php

Follow Mizzou Financial Aid’s Twitter Page for posted scholarships every Friday: https://twitter.com/MizzouSFA

More Undergraduate & Graduate Opportunities Coming Soon…

More Opportunities Coming Soon…