Check out some of our members representing in regional leadership positions!

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2019-2020 Public Relations Chair

Danae Nash

"To be the Public Relations chair means to create the platform and face of @R5NSBE while working behind the scenes. It means you are in charge of how the platform you are presenting is shown to the public eye. It means you are responsible for making sure the targeted audience is aware of what they need to be aware of along with public updates about this platform. It means when the public addresses us, it is your responsibility to decide if, when, and how to respond because you are behind the scenes representing this set platform. I am honored to serve on this board for second year and show off Region V NSBE how it deserves to be seen to the society and beyond."

- Danae Nash


2019-2020 TORCH Chair

Alexis Leonard

“Hey everyone! My name is Alexis Leonard and I'm studying Biomedical Engineering here at Mizzou. I'm serving as this year's Region 5 T.O.R.C.H Chair, and i'm so glad I joined the Regional Executive Board because although it has challenged me, I know it'll definitely be rewarding. One of my main goals is to bring more awareness to technical outreach and it's importance. An important part of our mission statement is to positively impact the community and I plan to do that through various initiatives.”

- Alexis Leonard


2019-2020 National Convention Planning Committee Vice Chairperson

Nosa Eke

The CPC Vice-Chairperson ensures that the Annual Convention strategy reflects the national focus by working as the CPC Chairs righthand person. I aid in running the CPC by coordinating all intra-board communication and meetings along with monitoring the logistics of annual convention.

- Nosa Eke


Chanel Wheeler

Hey everybody, my name is Chanel Wheeler and I'm a senior studying Mechanical Engineering/Math. And I'm your 49th Annual Convention Planning Committee Chairperson. My role is to manage and lead a team (CPC) to plan our annual convention in March 2023. When I entered my sophomore year in high school, I attended the NSBE Jr. Chapter at Chicago State University. From then I attended my first national convention in 2019 and realized NSBE was home. I have been on Mizzou's chapter executive board, Region 5 executive Board, and now planning a conference literally 4 years after I attended my first one. My time in NSBE will forever be cherished with the leadership experience, connections and opportunities, and long-lasting friendships. The reason for being this year's CPC chair is I love giving back to a society that has poured so much into my future and wanting to make a stronger impact on someone else's life. I look forward to seeing you at the GBM's and if you ever need any advice hit me up !

-Chanel Wheeler

2022-2023 49th Annual Convention Planning Committee Chairperson

Awa-Bousso Gueye

Hey everyone! My name is Awa-Bousso Gueye and I’m currently studying civil engineering here at Mizzou. I’m proud to serve you all as this year’s Finance Chair! Since joining college, NSBE has always felt like a family to me. I’m hoping to give back to my NSBE fam through my involvement on the regional level as well as the chapter level by being this year’s Fundraising Chair. Joining on NSBE on a regional level has felt like a leap of faith however, I am confident in my abilities to bring a quality FRC to you all!

-Awa-Bousso Gueye

2023-2024 Finance Chair